Sibling Favoritism: How Parental Treatment May Differ between Brothers and Sisters

Fathers brains behave differently towards daughters and sons.

Do you ever recall feeling that your sister was treated differently from you when you were growing up? It’s likely that you weren’t just imagining things. Recent research published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience has found that fathers tend to respond to their daughters differently than they do to their sons.

fathers reacts differently towards sons and daughters

In a study conducted by researchers, 52 fathers were given small electronic devices that could be clipped onto their belts. These devices randomly recorded sound for 50 seconds every nine minutes over a period of 48 hours. The study aimed to investigate the ways in which fathers interact with their children and found that fathers respond differently to their daughters than they do to their sons.

After analyzing the audio data collected from the electronic devices that 52 fathers were given to wear, researchers discovered significant differences in fathers’ behavior towards their daughters versus their sons. Fathers of daughters were found to be more attentive and responsive, sang to them more often, expressed more empathy towards them, and used more emotional language compared to dads of sons.

If you have ever felt that your father showed more attention towards your sister than you, or that he engaged in more back-and-forth with her, you might be right. Fathers in the study engaged in more rough play with their sons than with their daughters, which could help young children learn how to regulate their emotions.

The researchers also conducted MRI scans to observe differences in fathers’ brain activity when interacting with their sons versus their daughters. The scans showed that fathers of daughters had greater responses in the areas of their brains related to visual processing, reward, and emotional regulation than fathers of sons did.

While it is unclear how these differences in parenting behavior can affect children in the long-term, the researchers suggest that increased engagement by fathers, as seen with daughters, can help foster empathy in children. This may be one reason why girls tend to develop higher levels of empathy than boys.

If your father treated you and your sister differently, it’s possible to avoid the same fate with your own children. Being present and attentive, as well as being open to expressing emotions, can help your son develop mentally and emotionally. Additionally, rough play, which fathers tend to engage in more with their sons, is just as important for daughters too.


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