Shaun Clarida, an IFBB Pro League 212 competitor, recently appeared on The Truth podcast with renowned fitness coach Hany Rambod. Clarida discussed his performance in the Men’s Open division at the 2023 Arnold Classic and his future ambitions. He hopes to break Flex Lewis’ record of seven 212 Olympia titles.
Clarida’s impressive muscle detail, symmetry, and overall proportions first gained attention in 2015. After winning the Vancouver Pro, he earned an invitation to the Mr. Olympia competition and has competed there ever since.
Although Clarida finished behind Kamal Elgargni and Derek Lunsford at the 2019 Mr. Olympia, he worked hard during the off-season to improve his physique. This effort paid off when he won his first Sandow trophy at the 2020 Mr. Olympia by defeating Elgargni. However, Lunsford made an impressive comeback in 2021 and took home the top prize.

Kamal Elgargni, also known as “The Giant Killer,” reclaimed his title as the 212 champion at the 2022 Mr. Olympia held in December of last year. After this remarkable victory, Elgargni signed up for the 2023 Arnold Classic, a highly anticipated event that is known to host some of the world’s most muscular and massive bodybuilders. The move was seen as a bold decision by Elgargni, given the tough competition in the Men’s Open division.
Retired bodybuilder Dennis James expressed confidence in Elgargni’s ability to pose a serious challenge at the Arnold Classic, despite his smaller size compared to other competitors. James believed that Elgargni’s superior posing skills could give him the edge over his opponents, some of whom have more mass and conditioning. On the other hand, Elgargni acknowledged that his disadvantage in size could be a factor but remained optimistic about his chances to out-pose his rivals.
It is worth noting that the Arnold Classic is a highly competitive event, and the final results can be influenced by many factors, such as the judges’ preferences, conditioning, and posing skills. Elgargni’s decision to compete in the Men’s Open division has generated excitement among bodybuilding fans worldwide, who are eager to see how he performs against some of the biggest and freakiest mass monsters in the world. Only time will tell if Elgargni can continue his winning streak and emerge victorious at the Arnold Classic.
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A few days before the 2023 Arnold Classic, Chris Clarida, a bodybuilder known for his impressive posing skills, shared the intense back workout he had been using to prepare for the competition. Fans were left stunned when Clarida revealed an update of his shredded physique, showcasing his vascular upper body four weeks before the event. The bodybuilder made it clear that his sights were set on scoring gold at the competition, even teasing a potential move to the Open Olympia should he win.
Despite his best efforts, Clarida placed fifth in the Arnold Classic, while Samson Dauda emerged as the winner. Nevertheless, Clarida was commended for his performance, as he held his own against mammoth bodybuilders such as former two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay despite his size disadvantage. The competition showcased Clarida’s prowess in the sport and reinforced his reputation as a skilled and dedicated bodybuilder.
Shaun Clarida’s Analysis of the 2023 Arnold Classic
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“Looking back now in photos Samson definitely won,” said Clarida. “He’s got the size, shape, symmetry, and just put together very well. I could’ve seen either or with Nick and Andrew or so. Andrew is very similar to Samson as far as shape, structure, things like that but Nick also just has that freak wow factor.”
Shaun Clarida, a respected bodybuilder, recently offered his analysis of the 2023 Arnold Classic competition in a YouTube video. Clarida noted that he agrees with the winner, Samson Dauda, and discussed his opinion of the top three finishers. According to Clarida, Dauda’s physique was well-rounded and displayed ideal proportions, structure, and symmetry. Clarida felt that the second and third place could have gone to either Nick or Andrew, as they both displayed similar structural qualities.
“I think the reason with Nick not winning the show. If he came in the way he did at the Olympia it would have been game over for everyone. Coming down a little bit trying to be more streamlined maybe didn’t work for him. I definitely think that hurt him a little bit. But again, that top three could’ve filp-flopped either way.”
Clarida speculated that Nick Walker, who placed third in the competition, did not perform as well as he could have. According to Clarida, Walker did not showcase the freaky and unique features that he is known for, potentially losing points with the judges. Clarida theorized that Walker may have tried to match his competitors’ streamlined look, which may have backfired. Despite this, Clarida noted that the top three athletes were all excellent, and the order could have been interchangeable.
“I think with him knowing that Samson and Andrew both streamlined structured guys, in Nick’s mind, he’s probably thinking he got to play that game a little bit. He looked good obviously. But I think that freak Nick that we have all seen before placing third at the Olympia was the look they were expecting and hoping for. That look for sure would have won the show.”
Clarida further elaborated on his opinion of Nick Walker’s performance, stating that Walker may have been influenced by the streamlined looks of his competitors. Clarida believed that this may have caused Walker to deviate from his unique style, which the judges may have been expecting. However, Clarida acknowledged that Walker still performed well, despite this minor setback. Clarida added that if Walker had showcased his unique features to the extent he did during the Olympia, he may have taken the win at the Arnold Classic.
“I honestly felt I could have beaten him. I believe I was tighter in certain areas. He’s got the size. That’s not a question. But when it comes to separation, shape, structure, I thought I was going to beat him.”
Clarida also discussed his own performance in the 2022 Olympia, where he competed against former two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh ‘Big Ramy’ Elssbiay. According to Clarida, he felt confident in his own abilities and believed that he could have placed ahead of Elssbiay if he had competed in the Open division. Clarida noted that he possessed superior separation, shape, and structure, which he believed would have given him an edge over Elssbiay.
Clarida will stay in 212 to break Flex Lewis’ record
Shaun Clarida, the reigning 212 Olympia champion, has declared his intention to remain in the 212 division and surpass the record of Flex Lewis, who holds the distinction of being the most successful 212 Olympia athlete with seven titles. Clarida, who has won the 212 title twice, is determined to become one of the greatest athletes in the history of the 212 division.
“I’m staying in 212 for sure. The goal is to win multiple titles here. Of course, I like to dabble in a few smaller Open shows maybe another Arnold Classic but just by me doing the Arnold Classic and doing well is not enough for me to just leave the 212. I’m realistic.”
Clarida also acknowledged the importance of the Arnold Classic, but emphasized that winning it alone would not be sufficient motivation to move on from the 212 division.
“If I couldn’t win the Arnold, then what’s the point of me moving on from there? If I had won maybe it would be a different conversation.”
For Clarida, the 212 division is his home, and he is committed to becoming one of the greatest athletes in its history, with a particular focus on surpassing the record of Flex Lewis.
“212 is my home, it’s in my heart, and I want to walk away as one of the best to ever do it.”
“I love Flex Lewis to death but the goal is to beat his record absolutely.”
To achieve his goal, Clarida will need to win another five 212 Olympia titles to match Lewis’ record and six to overtake him as the greatest 212 Olympia champion of all time.
The complete video is available for viewing below:
At the end, Bodybuilders Shaun Clarida and Kamal Elgargni competed in the 2023 Arnold Classic Men’s Open division, with Elgargni winning the 212 Olympia title for the second time in 2022. Despite Clarida’s best efforts, he placed fifth in the competition won by Samson Dauda. Clarida analyzed the competition in a YouTube video, praising Dauda’s well-rounded physique and stating that the second and third place finishers could have gone either way. Clarida speculated that Nick Walker may have lost points with the judges by not showcasing his unique features and trying to match his competitors’ streamlined look.
Courtesy Image @ ShaunClarida (Instagram)
Courtesy Image @Flex Lewis @w_wittmannphoto(Instagram)