In the dynamic fitness landscape, where trends ebb and flow, kettlebell workouts endure—a testament to their impact on functional fitness. This exploration delves into kettlebell exercises, where tradition meets innovation, each movement unlocking physical resilience. The journey dissects popular workouts, substantiating the thesis: beyond strength-building, kettlebells offer a transformative path to holistic fitness. As we swing, press, and lunge, the underlying thesis unfolds — a cornerstone for a harmonious balance of strength, stability, and adaptability. Let’s focus on Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
- The Historical Tapestry of Kettlebell Training
- The Anatomy of a Kettlebell Workout
- Functional Fitness Redefined
2. Unveiling Personal Narratives
3. Scientific Validation: Kettlebell Training and Cognitive Benefits
4. The Evolution of Kettlebell Sport
5. Kettlebell Workouts for All: Addressing Accessibility
6. Closing Thoughts: The Kettlebell Renaissance
The Historical Tapestry of Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life
The roots of kettlebell training are deeply embedded in the rich soil of Russian history, dating back to the 18th century. Originally conceived as counterweights for measuring agricultural goods, these simple yet sturdy devices evolved into tools that would shape the strength and resilience of generations to come.
Birth of the Kettlebell: Agricultural Roots
In the rural landscapes of 1700s Russia, kettlebells began as practical implements, serving as counterweights on scales for measuring grains and other farm produce. Farmers and laborers unwittingly laid the foundation for a fitness revolution as they went about their daily tasks, swinging, lifting, and maneuvering these cast-iron spheres.
Enter the Strongmen: Discovering the Power of Kettlebells
It wasn’t until the early 20th century that kettlebells transitioned from agricultural tools to instruments of strength and power. Russian strongmen and athletes, recognizing the unique benefits of kettlebell training, began incorporating them into their regimens. Notable figures like Vladimir Janda and Vladislav Krayevsky advocated for the inclusion of kettlebells in physical education programs, solidifying their place in the realm of strength training.
The Soviet Union and Military Adoption
As the Soviet Union emerged as a global powerhouse, so did its commitment to physical fitness. Kettlebells became a staple in Soviet military training, where they were used to develop strength, endurance, and agility. The efficiency and effectiveness of kettlebell exercises in building well-rounded fitness quickly spread beyond military barracks, capturing the attention of athletes and fitness enthusiasts across the nation.
Pavel Tsatsouline and the Western Resurgence
The turning point for kettlebell training in the West came with the arrival of Pavel Tsatsouline, a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor. Tsatsouline, who defected to the United States in the 1990s, played a pivotal role in demystifying and popularizing Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life. His teachings, infused with Russian strength traditions, laid the groundwork for the Western resurgence of kettlebell training.
The Modern Era: Kettlebells as Fitness Icons
Today, kettlebells are not merely remnants of Russian history but dynamic fitness tools embraced globally. Gyms worldwide are adorned with kettlebell racks, and fitness enthusiasts of all levels swear by the transformative power of these cast-iron companions. The historical tapestry of kettlebell training, woven with the threads of agrarian simplicity and military discipline, has evolved into a global phenomenon that transcends borders and cultures. In the world of fitness, the Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life stands as a symbol of resilience, strength, and a connection to the timeless traditions that continue to shape our approach to health and well-being.
A Deep Dive into Kettlebell Exercises for a Functional and Fit Lifestyle
The Anatomy of a Kettlebell Workout
Kettlebell workouts, with their unique blend of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular benefits, are a symphony of movement that engages the entire body. Unlike traditional weightlifting or machine-based exercises, kettlebell training emphasizes functional movements that mimic real-life activities. Let’s break down the anatomy of a Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life and explore the key exercises that make it a holistic and effective fitness regimen.
1. The Foundation: Kettlebell Swings
At the core of any kettlebell workout is the iconic swing. This dynamic exercise precisely targets the posterior chain – the muscles along the back, including hamstrings, glutes, and the lower back. The swinging motion seamlessly engages the hips, creating a powerful and fluid movement. Consequently, it not only builds strength but also significantly enhances cardiovascular endurance.
2. Turkish Get-Up: A Full-Body Elegance
The Turkish get-up is a complex yet effective kettlebell exercise. It engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Beginning from a lying position, the individual progresses through a sequence, involving the core, shoulders, and hips. This exercise builds strength, enhancing stability and proprioception. As a cornerstone of functional fitness, it’s pivotal for overall well-being.
3. Goblet Squats: Leg Strength and Core Stability
Goblet squats with a kettlebell offer an excellent way to target the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. By holding the kettlebell close to the chest, an extra dimension is added, engaging the core muscles. Moreover, the controlled descent and ascent of the squat not only enhance flexibility but also promote proper movement patterns.
4. Kettlebell Press: Shoulders and Upper Body Strength
The kettlebell press, whether performed overhead or in a horizontal position, showcases its versatility. This exercise adeptly targets the muscles of the shoulders, triceps, and chest. Moreover, the instability introduced by the kettlebell necessitates the engagement of stabilizing muscles, fostering a balanced and comprehensive development of strength across the upper body.
5. Renegade Rows: Core and Upper Body Integration
Renegade rows ingeniously combine a plank with a rowing motion. This challenging exercise seamlessly integrates the core and upper body. Targeting the back, shoulders, and arms, it enhances overall strength. Simultaneously, the plank position boosts core stability, highlighting the multifaceted nature of kettlebell workouts.
6. Snatches: Power and Precision
The kettlebell snatch is a dynamic, explosive movement demanding power from the hips and precision in the grip. This exercise engages the entire body, emphasizing the hips, shoulders, and forearms. Not only does the snatch build strength, but it also develops coordination and proprioception.
7. Kettlebell Lunges: Unilateral Strength and Stability
Lunges with kettlebells add a unilateral aspect, emphasizing stability and strength in each leg. This asymmetrical load challenges the core and lower body muscles, promoting balance and reducing the risk of imbalances.
In the grand orchestration of a kettlebell workout, these exercises harmonize for a holistic symphony of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. As participants move through fluid motions and controlled transitions, they build physical prowess while cultivating a deep mind-body connection. The anatomy of a kettlebell workout showcases the tool’s versatility and effectiveness, offering a path to functional fitness beyond conventional boundaries.
Kettlebell Training: A Pathway to Functional Fitness
Functional Fitness Redefined
Functional fitness, a term that has become increasingly prevalent in the fitness industry, extends far beyond the confines of traditional gym workouts. At its core, functional fitness is about preparing the body for the demands of daily life, enhancing movement efficiency, and fostering a resilient, adaptable physique. ‘In the symphony of functional fitness, kettlebell training plays a vital note,’ as we delve into the transformative realm of ‘Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life,’ with its emphasis on dynamic, multi-joint movements. This journey stands as a paragon in redefining functional fitness — a pathway toward a functionally fit life that transcends conventional workout boundaries.
1. Holistic Movement Patterns: The Core of Functionality
Functional fitness prioritizes exercises that mirror real-world movements, and kettlebell training epitomizes this philosophy. From picking up groceries to reaching for an overhead shelf, the varied movements in kettlebell workouts engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This holistic approach not only builds strength but also enhances coordination and mobility across a range of motions.
2. Core Centrality: Beyond Six-Pack Abs
While many focus on six-pack abs, functional fitness, seen in kettlebell training, prioritizes core strength. It’s not just about aesthetics; the core stabilizes the entire body during functional movements. Kettlebell exercises like Turkish get-ups and renegade rows go beyond traditional crunches, fostering a robust midsection.
Featured Image @kettlebell Farmer’s Carry by anastasia shuraeva (Pexels)
3. Integration of Strength and Cardiovascular Fitness
Functional fitness rejects the compartmentalization of strength training and cardiovascular exercise, recognizing that in daily life, these elements often intertwine. Kettlebell swings, a hallmark of kettlebell training, exemplify this integration. The explosive hip hinge not only builds strength in the posterior chain but also elevates the heart rate, providing a cardiovascular stimulus.
4. Stability in Motion: A Key Tenet
In functional fitness, stability is not static but dynamic – the ability to maintain balance and control during movement. Kettlebell exercises inherently challenge stability due to the asymmetrical load and unpredictable nature of the movements. The result is improved proprioception and stability, attributes crucial for preventing injuries and navigating the unpredictable terrain of everyday activities.
5. Adaptability to All Fitness Levels
One of the defining features of functional fitness is its inclusivity. Kettlebell training is scalable, making it accessible to individuals of all fitness levels. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner taking your first steps into fitness, the adaptability of kettlebell workouts for a Functionally Fit Life allows for a gradual progression that aligns with individual capabilities and goals.
6. Mind-Body Connection: The Essence of Functional Fitness
Functional fitness extends beyond physical prowess; it’s about cultivating a mindful connection between the body and its tasks. Kettlebell training, focusing on fluid, intentional movements, urges presence in the moment. The mind-body connection from kettlebell workouts extends beyond the gym, enhancing awareness in daily activities.
In the paradigm of functional fitness, kettlebell training transforms how we approach well-being. It’s not just about lifting weights; it’s preparing for life’s unpredictable challenges. As the kettlebell swings and the body adapts, functional fitness isn’t merely a goal – it becomes a way of life. A philosophy transcending gym walls, it permeates every aspect of our existence.
Unveiling Personal Narratives
1. Jane’s Kettlebell Journey
Meet Jane, a 45-year-old executive maneuvering the demanding landscape of a high-stakes career and a bustling family life. Amidst her chaotic schedule, Jane discovered solace and empowerment in the rhythmic swings and deliberate movements of kettlebell workouts. As she shares her journey, we delve into how the kettlebell transformed from exercise equipment to a sanctuary. Here, the demands of the world fade away, and the focus turns inward.
2. The Impact on Physical and Mental Well-being
Through personal narratives, we explore the intertwined relationship between physical and mental well-being. Meet John, a middle-aged professional, who shares how kettlebell training became his anchor during a challenging life period. Beyond the visible physical changes, he recounts how the meditative quality of kettlebell workouts became a mental sanctuary, providing clarity and resilience in the face of life’s uncertainties.
3. Kettlebell Workouts as a Sanctuary
In the bustling urban landscape, Sarah, a yoga instructor, discovered a surprising complement to her practice through kettlebell workouts. Through her narrative, we delve into the synergy between these seemingly disparate fitness modalities. Sarah’s story unravels the meditative flow of kettlebell movements. It showcases how the marriage of strength and flexibility fosters a harmonious balance in both body and mind.
These personal narratives serve as windows into the diverse ways individuals incorporate kettlebell training into their lives. As we listen to their stories, we witness the versatility of kettlebell workouts as not just a means to sculpt the body but as a transformative journey that touches the soul. The kettlebell, once a piece of iron, becomes a companion in the personal narratives of Jane, John, and Sarah, illustrating the profound impact of functional fitness on the human experience.
In the tradition of The Washington Post’s commitment to storytelling, these personal narratives go beyond the sets and repetitions. They capture the essence of the kettlebell journey—an odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and the unearthing of strength, both physical and emotional. Through these stories, we witness the kaleidoscope of human experiences, all bound by the common thread of the kettlebell, weaving its way into the fabric of individual lives and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of personal transformation.
Scientific Validation: Kettlebell Training and Cognitive Benefits
In the pursuit of holistic well-being, the benefits of kettlebell training extend beyond the physical realm, reaching into the domain of cognitive function. As we delve into the scientific landscape, we uncover a burgeoning body of research that not only validates the cognitive benefits of kettlebell training but also sheds light on the neuroscientific mechanisms that underpin this intriguing phenomenon. Validate the cognitive benefits of kettlebell workouts training through scientific exploration and neuroscientific perspectives for a Functionally Fit Life.
1. The Cognitive Benefits of Kettlebell Training
Recent studies have begun to illuminate the cognitive enhancements associated with kettlebell training. Participants engaged in regular kettlebell workouts have demonstrated improvements in cognitive function, memory, and attention. The intricacies of kettlebell exercises, involving coordination, timing, and spatial awareness, create an environment that stimulates the brain in unique ways.
2. A Neuroscientific Perspective
To understand the cognitive benefits, we turn to the intricate workings of the brain. Kettlebell training, with its emphasis on dynamic, full-body movements, engages multiple brain regions simultaneously. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions like decision-making and attention, receives a robust workout as individuals navigate the complex sequences of kettlebell exercises. Neuroscientific studies employing advanced imaging techniques provide a glimpse into the brain’s response to this multifaceted training.
3. Neuroplasticity and Kettlebell Training
The concept of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganize itself in response to experience, takes center stage in understanding the cognitive benefits of kettlebell training. The dynamic and novel nature of kettlebell exercises challenges the brain to create new neural connections, fostering adaptability and resilience. This adaptability, honed through kettlebell workouts, extends beyond the gym, influencing cognitive flexibility in everyday tasks.
4. Implications for Holistic Wellness
As we unravel the neuroscientific intricacies, the implications for holistic wellness become evident. Kettlebell training emerges not only as a tool for physical fitness but as a cognitive enhancer with potential applications in various domains. From improving cognitive performance in professional settings to aiding in cognitive rehabilitation, the cognitive benefits of kettlebell training offer a promising avenue for promoting overall well-being.
5. Mind-Body Symbiosis
In the narratives of individuals who have experienced the cognitive benefits of kettlebell training, we witness a symbiosis of mind and body. The mindful engagement required in executing kettlebell exercises creates a profound connection between physical effort and mental focus. Participants report not just a sharpening of cognitive abilities but also a heightened sense of mental clarity and stress relief—a testament to the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being.
As the scientific community continues to unravel the cognitive benefits of kettlebell training, the convergence of physical and mental fitness becomes increasingly apparent. Kettlebell workouts, once confined to the realm of strength and conditioning, are now recognized as cognitive stimulants that transcend the boundaries of conventional exercise. The neuroscientific validation of kettlebell training opens new avenues for research, inviting us to explore the full spectrum of benefits that this ancient training tool has to offer in the pursuit of a resilient and agile mind-body connection.
The Evolution of Kettlebell Sport
The evolution of kettlebell sport is a captivating journey that spans centuries and continents, weaving together the strength traditions of Russian strongmen with the modern-day global stage. From its humble origins as a tool for physical conditioning to its current status as a recognized athletic discipline, kettlebell sport has undergone a remarkable transformation, embracing innovation while staying true to its roots. In addition; kettlebell workouts, making functional fit life adaptable for all ages and abilities.
1. From Russian Strength Competitions to Training Tool
The genesis of kettlebell sport can be traced back to 19th-century Russia, where strongmen and athletes engaged in informal competitions centered around kettlebell lifting. These contests were not only displays of raw strength but also served as a means of physical conditioning for the participants. The kettlebell, once a utilitarian farming tool, emerged as a symbol of strength and prowess in the hands of these formidable athletes.
2. Kettlebell as a Soviet Military Staple
The mid-20th century saw the integration of kettlebell training into the Soviet military’s physical fitness regimen. Kettlebells became a staple in military training, emphasizing their practicality and effectiveness. This institutional endorsement solidified the place of kettlebell exercises in the broader fitness landscape, transcending the confines of competitions to become a mainstream training tool.
3. Pavel Tsatsouline’s Influence: The Western Resurgence
The global recognition of kettlebell sport owes much to the efforts of Pavel Tsatsouline, a former Soviet Special Forces physical training instructor. Tsatsouline, who defected to the United States in the 1990s, played a pivotal role in introducing kettlebell training to Western audiences. His teachings, emphasizing the importance of strength and endurance, sparked a resurgence of interest in kettlebell sport in the West.
4. International Union of Kettlebell Lifting (IUKL): Globalizing the Sport
The establishment of the International Union of Kettlebell Lifting (IUKL) in 1998 marked a significant milestone in the globalization of kettlebell sport. This organization, founded with the aim of standardizing rules and regulations, provided a platform for athletes worldwide to compete at an international level. Kettlebell sport transformed from a regional tradition to a global athletic spectacle, with competitions drawing participants from diverse cultural backgrounds.
5. World-Class Athletes and Technical Precision
Kettlebell sport evolved into a discipline that goes beyond sheer strength, incorporating technical precision and endurance. World-class athletes emerged, showcasing the artistry of kettlebell lifting through movements like the jerk, snatch, and long cycle. These athletes, through their dedication and skill, elevated kettlebell sport to new heights, earning recognition as a legitimate and challenging athletic pursuit.
6. Kettlebell Sport as a Spectator Event
In recent years, kettlebell sport has taken on a new dimension as a spectator event. International competitions draw crowds, both in person and online, as enthusiasts and curious onlookers witness the dynamic and intense nature of kettlebell lifting. The fusion of athleticism, technical mastery, and sheer determination makes kettlebell sport a riveting spectacle, appealing to a diverse audience.
As we trace the evolution of kettlebell sport, we witness its transformation from a local strength tradition to a global athletic phenomenon. The journey encompasses the physical prowess of Russian strongmen, the practicality of military training, the influence of key figures like Pavel Tsatsouline, and the standardization brought about by international organizations. Kettlebell sport, with its roots firmly planted in history, continues to evolve, captivating athletes and audiences alike with its unique blend of strength, skill, and cultural resonance.
Elevating Fitness: Kettlebell Workouts and Functional Well-being
Kettlebell Workouts for All: Addressing Accessibility
In the realm of fitness, accessibility is the cornerstone of inclusivity. Kettlebell workouts, with their dynamic and adaptable nature, offer a pathway to functional fitness that can be tailored to individuals of all ages, fitness levels, and abilities. As we explore the diverse landscape of kettlebell training, we delve into modifications, progressive programming, and expert advice, ensuring that kettlebell workouts become an accessible and welcoming avenue for everyone seeking to enhance their well-being.
1. Inclusivity in Kettlebell Training
At the heart of addressing accessibility is the recognition that fitness is not one-size-fits-all. Kettlebell training, with its versatility, can be adapted to accommodate various fitness levels and physical abilities. Instructors and fitness professionals emphasize the importance of creating an inclusive environment, where individuals feel empowered to engage with kettlebell workouts at their own pace and comfort level.
2. Modifications for Different Fitness Levels
Kettlebell workouts can be modified to suit individuals at different fitness stages. For beginners, starting with a lighter kettlebell and focusing on foundational movements like the kettlebell swing and goblet squat provides a gentle introduction. As fitness levels progress, individuals can gradually increase the weight and complexity of exercises, ensuring a steady and safe progression.
3. Progressive Programming for Long-Term Success
To make kettlebell training accessible for all, progressive programming is key. Structured programs that gradually increase intensity and complexity over time allow individuals to build strength and proficiency. Whether someone is recovering from an injury, returning to fitness after a hiatus, or starting a fitness journey for the first time, a well-designed progression ensures that each step is manageable and sustainable.
4. Expert Advice on Safe and Effective Kettlebell Use
Access to knowledgeable guidance is fundamental in ensuring the safe and effective use of kettlebells. Fitness professionals and certified trainers play a crucial role in providing expert advice on proper form, technique, and personalized modifications. Workshops and instructional materials that focus on the fundamentals of kettlebell training empower individuals to engage with this versatile tool with confidence.
5. Adaptations for Age and Physical Conditions
Kettlebell workouts can be adapted to cater to a diverse demographic, including older adults and individuals with specific physical conditions. Gentle modifications, reduced weights, and a focus on joint-friendly movements allow seniors to engage in kettlebell training, promoting mobility and functional strength. Similarly, individuals with physical conditions can benefit from targeted adaptations that address their unique needs while fostering a sense of empowerment.
6. Community Support and Motivation
Creating a sense of community and support is integral to making kettlebell training accessible. Group classes, online communities, and fitness clubs that embrace diversity and encourage a sense of belonging empower individuals to stay motivated and committed to their fitness journey. The camaraderie built within these communities becomes a source of inspiration for individuals of all backgrounds and abilities.
In the realm of kettlebell workouts, accessibility is not just a goal; it’s a fundamental principle. By embracing inclusivity, providing modifications, and offering expert guidance, kettlebell training becomes a versatile tool that adapts to the needs of each individual. As we address accessibility, we not only open the doors to the transformative benefits of kettlebell workouts for all but also contribute to a culture of wellness that recognizes and celebrates the unique journey of each participant.
Closing Thoughts: The Kettlebell Renaissance
In the dynamic landscape of fitness trends, the enduring legacy of Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life training stands as a testament to the timeless allure of functional movement. As we conclude our exploration into the world of kettlebell workouts, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of tradition and innovation—a juncture we might aptly term the “Kettlebell Renaissance.”
1. Tradition Meets Innovation
The kettlebell, once a utilitarian farming tool in 18th-century Russia, has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis. From the strongmen competitions of the 19th century to its integration into Soviet military training in the mid-20th century, the kettlebell has stood the test of time. Today, in the 21st century, we witness the convergence of tradition and innovation as kettlebell training experiences a resurgence in popularity.
2. The Timeless Symbolism of Kettlebell Training
Beyond its physical benefits, the kettlebell carries with it a symbolism that transcends its iron exterior. It symbolizes strength, resilience, and adaptability—qualities that echo through the annals of history. As individuals swing, press, and snatch the kettlebell, they partake in a tradition that spans centuries, connecting them to the strongmen of yesteryear and the soldiers of the Soviet era.
3. Embracing Holistic Health through Functional Movement
In the rush of modern fitness trends, where novelty often takes precedence, the simplicity and effectiveness of kettlebell training offer a refreshing perspective. For a Functionally Fit Life, kettlebell workouts go beyond lifting weights; they are a holistic journey of functional movement. From the iconic kettlebell swing to the intricate Turkish get-up, each exercise engages the body, mimicking the demands of real-life activities and fostering a connection between physical fitness and daily living.
As we bid farewell to this exploration of kettlebell workouts, we carry with us the echoes of personal narratives, the neuroscientific validations, and the global evolution of kettlebell sport. Recognizing that the kettlebell is more than just a tool, it serves as a catalyst for transformation—a Renaissance that beckons individuals to rediscover the joy of movement, the resilience of the human body, and the unyielding spirit that has fueled the kettlebell’s journey through time.
In the kaleidoscope of fitness options, the kettlebell remains a timeless gem, a symbol of strength that invites individuals of all backgrounds and abilities to partake in its legacy. The Kettlebell Renaissance is not just a revival of an ancient training tool; it’s an affirmation of the enduring principles of functional fitness that resonate across generations. As we navigate the currents of contemporary wellness, the kettlebell stands as a steadfast companion, guiding us towards a holistic approach to health—one swing, one press, and one snatch at a time.
This comprehensive exploration delves into the enduring impact of kettlebell workouts on functional fitness, combining historical roots with modern innovations. Let’s focus on Kettlebell Workouts for a Functionally Fit Life. Personal narratives, scientific validation, and the evolution of kettlebell sport enrich the narrative. Addressing accessibility ensures inclusivity, while the concept of the “Kettlebell Renaissance” captures the timeless significance of this training tool. Together, these elements create a holistic guide, emphasizing the transformative power of kettlebell training across physical, cognitive, and emotional dimensions.
1. Tsatsouline, P. (2001). The Russian Kettlebell Challenge: Xtreme Fitness for Hard Living Comrades. Dragon Door Publications.
2. Lake, J. P., & Lauder, M. A. (2012). Kettlebell swing training improves maximal and explosive strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(8), 2228-2233.
3. McGill, S. M., & Marshall, L. W. (2012). Kettlebell swing, snatch, and bottoms-up carry: Back and hip muscle activation, motion, and low back loads. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(1), 16-27.
4. Otto, W. H. (2012). Kettlebell Training: A Functional Fitness Trend. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 16(5), 22-26.
5. Tsatsouline, P. (2013). Simple & Sinister. Grease the Groove Publications.
6. Kettlebell Sport. International Union of Kettlebell Lifting. (
7. Chang, Y. K., Labban, J. D., Gapin, J. I., & Etnier, J. L. (2012). The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: A meta-analysis. Brain Research, 1453, 87-101.
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9. Featured image @Unsplash, freepik, pexels (com)
10. Featured stream @Youtube, freepik, pexels (com)